Archive for December, 2024

Best Coffee Treats

About a billion of us worldwide drink coffee. But sometimes we are not so much interested in brewing up a cup of java. Rather we would like a treat with the taste of coffee. Coffee treats range from coffee flavored candy to coffee added to a great variety of cooked items. By in large the […]


Impact of Starbucks Strike

Coffee farmers and the folks who brew your Java are at opposite ends of the coffee supply chain and get the least while the “middlemen” always seem to get a healthier cut!


How Good Is Dunkin Donuts Coffee?

Many folks find that they can get a reliably excellent cup of coffee where they pick up their donuts, namely at Dunkin Donuts. How good is Dunkin Donuts coffee?


Cenicafé and Coffee from Colombia

Colombia grows great coffee. Its production is virtually all arabica coffee. Colombian coffee commands a price generally higher than the world coffee market price because of its quality. This great quality comes from coffee being grown in rich volcanic soil by families that have been in the coffee farming business for generations. However, Colombians have […]


Brazil Drought Drives Price of Coffee Up

Brazil is having its worst drought in seven decades. The result for the coffee market is less and higher priced coffee. In late November of 2024 the NYMEX coffee price topped $3.30 a pound, up from $2.50 in October and $1.40 in October of 2023! Although the price of coffee has more than doubled that […]