Archive for October, 2024

Uses for Old Coffee Beans

And, of course, there may be time when you forget about stored coffee, leave on a trip and come back months later, etc. You will probably want to buy new coffee and start over and then you need to think of uses for old coffee beans.


What Is Beanless Coffee?

As we have noted numerous times on these pages, there are several serious issues facing the world of coffee. Deforestation, climate change, various coffee plant diseases will all threaten and possibly curtain coffee production in the coming years. Coffee producers are looking at solutions like cross breeding arabica and robusta coffees to produce hardier arabica […]


Java Coffee Variety

When someone offers you a cup of Java you typically assume that they are simply offering you coffee. After all Java was one of the early locations where Dutch traders started planting coffee away from West Africa and the Middle East. Thus, years ago Java became synonymous with coffee. However, it turns out there is […]


What Is the Right Amount of Coffee?

But you need to drink enough coffee to make a difference without going overboard and avoid drinking too much and experiencing problems related to too much coffee.


Green Coffee Facts

Here are a few green coffee facts to help you understand the differences.