Archive for March, 2012

Lose Weight with Coffee Bean Extract

It appears possible to lose weight with coffee bean extract! This little tidbit was in the news recently. A chemist in Pennsylvania reports that when sixteen volunteers lost weight when they took a gram of green coffee bean extract daily for five months. According to the study report the volunteers were in their twenties and […]


Brazil Drinks More Coffee

Brazil drinks more coffee these days. In fact today Brazil drinks more coffee than almost anyone except the United States, the world’s biggest coffee consumer. Considering that Brazil is the world’s leading coffee producer one would think that Brazilians would be avid coffee drinkers as well. Brazil exported 29,741,510 bags of green coffee in 2010. […]


Not Certified but Still Organic Coffee

A year or more ago the Christian Science Monitor ran an article saying that ten percent of organic coffee producers had given up. For some organic coffee growers the extra care and work just does not pay off. There are a number of possible reasons. One is that a grower must pay for organic coffee […]


Brazil Coffee Storage Will Raise Coffee Farmer Income

It appears that Brazil is going to copy a practice from United States agriculture, storing excess crop production. It is likely that Brazil coffee storage will raise coffee farmer income. Currently there is not enough storage capacity in the Brazil, the premier coffee producer in the world. The Brazil Ministry of Agriculture expects to increase […]