Archive for May, 2018

Organic Coffee Side Effects

When we think of something having side effects we usually expect something bad. But, that is not the case with organic coffee. Organic coffee side effects are all good! You may be someone who drinks coffee in the morning to get started. Or you may need a cup of java to make it through a […]


Organic Coffee Health Benefits

Why drink organic coffee? There are two good reasons. Organic coffee is typically Arabica which is the best tasting and aromatic coffee. And there are many organic coffee health benefits. First of all, coffee by itself is good for your health. Organic coffee has all of the good qualities of regular coffee. And, the other […]


Organic Coffee Disadvantages

Coffee is good for you as it has many health benefits. And organic coffee is better. It keeps the health benefits of regular coffee, while removing as many as a hundred or more impurities from your regular cup of java. But, are there any organic coffee disadvantages? Here are our thoughts on the subject. There […]


UTZ Certified Coffee

Individuals looking for organic coffee may run across the UTZ Certified label. This label says that the bag of coffee you are buying came from a coffee farm that employed sustainable agricultural practices, good environmental practices and efficient farm management. A key feature of the UTZ Certified label is that UTZ Certified coffee is traced […]


Fair Trade Coffee Benefits

The concept of fair trade coffee began in the Netherlands in 1988 at a time when coffee prices were severely depressed. Many coffee farmers could not make a living because they could not sell their coffee or sold at a loss. Initially, fair trade certification was meant to artificially raise the prices for local coffee […]


Organic Coffee Benefits

Considering that organic coffee can be more expensive than regular coffee and also hard to find why would you want to drink it? What are the organic coffee benefits that make it worthwhile? Is organic coffee healthier? Is organic coffee better for the environment? And, where to buy organic coffee can be an issue as […]


Coffee from Panama

If you are thinking of healthy organic coffee think of coffee from Panama. Panama is the country on the isthmus that connects Central and South America. It has two sea coasts, a central mountain chain, and highlands covered with fertile volcanic soil. Coffee from Panama comes from the Chiriquí Highlands. Extending down from the foot […]


Organic Coffee for Diabetics

One of the great health benefits of drinking coffee is that coffee reduces your chances of getting type II diabetes. But if you already have the disease how are regular or organic coffee for diabetics? has some very useful information about coffee’s effect on diabetes. For people without diabetes, coffee may help reduce the […]


How Do You Make Black Tie Coffee?

An exotic coffee drink is the black tie. This is a traditional drink of Thailand. A black tie contains black tea and espresso as well as a mix of spicy and sweet ingredients. Basically black tie coffee starts with traditional Thai tea and ends up with a double shot of espresso. Just how do you […]


How Much Does Colombian Coffee Cost?

Colombia is the premier producer of high quality Arabica coffees, especially in wholesale quantities. But how much does Colombian coffee cost? Cost depends on the current coffee market, the quality of the coffee and export costs. A half-pound bag of ground coffee such as Aguila Roja in a Colombian grocery store will sell for around […]