Archive for May, 2012

Dry Coffee Beans to Stop Fermentation

A recent news release regarding coffee production in Honduras refers to the need to dry coffee beans to stop fermentation. Coffee, whether regular of healthy organic coffee, needs to ripen to the right degree and no more. Remember that the coffee that we drink comes from the seed of the coffee berry and not the […]


Store Coffee and Preserve Freshness

If I cannot use the freezer for a bag of coffee that I am using, where can I put the coffee? Remember that the warmest place in the kitchen is above and beside the stove. So, don’t put coffee in containers in this kitchen hot spot. Although your refrigerator is cool the top may be […]


Ways to Prepare Coffee

There are many ways to prepare coffee. Coffee prepared at home is typically brewed coffee. Coffee house coffee is espresso and espresso plus other ingredients. A tried and true means of making coffee for large family gatherings is to put coffee grounds, water, and maybe a cracked egg or two into a very large pot […]


Coffee House Coffee

Still confused when you request coffee house coffee? Don’t know the differences between espresso and Americano, latte and cappuccino? Here is our primer for coffee house coffee. It starts with the fact that all coffee in a coffee house starts with espresso. Hopefully they use healthy organic coffee in making their espresso but you probably […]


Recession Drives Coffee Sales Down in Europe

Recession drives coffee sales down in Europe if figures from Starbucks are an indication. Not only did worldwide sales for the coffee shop giant fall, but sales in Europe fell by one percent. As recession drives coffee sales down in Europe it is same store sales that suffered for Starbucks. Considering that austerity measures are […]