Archive for the coffee house coffee Category

Impact of Starbucks Strike

Coffee farmers and the folks who brew your Java are at opposite ends of the coffee supply chain and get the least while the “middlemen” always seem to get a healthier cut!


How Good Is Dunkin Donuts Coffee?

Many folks find that they can get a reliably excellent cup of coffee where they pick up their donuts, namely at Dunkin Donuts. How good is Dunkin Donuts coffee?


Is Cappuccino Good for You?

Cappuccino is a coffee house coffee made from espresso and a small amount of steamed milk along with a layer of foam on the top. It is very tasty and very popular. But, is cappuccino good for you?


Do You Need a Fancy Machine to Make Great Coffee?

The other day we ran across and article on the internet about high tech gizmos for making coffee. The Stranger writes that the future of coffee is in Seattle’s coffee machines. The Mavam UCEM espresso machine looks unlike any espresso machine you have ever seen. When it was released, coffee executives from Japan and Europe […]


When Starbucks Invades Italy

American GI’s learned about coffee house coffee when many were stationed in Europe after World War II. Many Americans back home learned about coffee house coffee from Starbucks. Now a clash of business cultures is looming as Starbucks invades Italy. Reuters writes about coffee rivals in Italy are gearing up for the Starbucks invasion. Two […]