More Organic Coffee Can Lead to Less Diabetes
More organic coffee can lead to less diabetes. Drinking organic coffee reduces the incidence of Type II diabetes, the type that affects 95% of people with the disease. This has been known for some years but until recently no one really knew why. Now researchers at UCLA have found what may be the reason. It turns out that there is a protein called sex hormone-binding globulin. Its normal job is to regulate sex hormone activity in the human body. Researchers have long suspected that the same hormone has an effect on the development of Type II diabetes. How does organic coffee come into the picture? Drinking coffee increases the body’s levels of sex hormone-binding globulin.
So, what is the more organic coffee less diabetes proof? It turns out that researchers found the following. Women who drink at least four cups of coffee a day have less than half the incidence of Type II diabetes as women who do not drink coffee. The coffee drinkers all had elevated sex hormone-binding globulin levels while the non coffee drinkers did not. The relationship was complete between the elevated enzyme level and a reduced incidence of Type II diabetes.
The American Diabetes Association says that nearly 24 million Americans have diabetes of which more than 9 in 10 have the Type II variety. That comes to roughly 22 million people with Type 2 diabetes. The fact that more organic coffee can lead to less diabetes could be a significant issue in US public health.
The bottom line of the UCLA study was that drinking 4 or more cups of coffee a day, with caffeine, reduces Type II diabetes incidence by 56%, more than half. So, the next time you start to worry about getting diabetes maybe a useful measure could be to enjoy a good cup of organic coffee. That is because more organic coffee can lead to less diabetes.
The apparent reduction in Type II diabetes in those who drink four cups or more of organic coffee a day is not the end of the benefits of drinking organic coffee. Coffee has antioxidants which can help the immune system, reduce the inflammation that goes with atherosclerosis, and may even work to suppress certain types of cancers. The benefit of drinking organic coffee is that the individual is not adding potentially toxic contaminants to his coffee cup every time he makes a cup of coffee. Organically grown coffee does not use herbicides, pesticides, or fungicides. Organic coffee growers have gone back to the sustainable practices that have worked for centuries, long before pesticides and herbicides were even thought of much less invented.
A good cup of organic coffee is a great way to start the day. Many enjoy the wakeup effects of one of the world’s most popular beverages. Now we know that not only is drinking organic coffee an enjoyable pastime but that its many health effects can many from some of the ravages of such diseases as Type II diabetes, the inflammation of atherosclerosis, or, perhaps, even certain types of cancer. Organic coffee is grown under strict attention to sustainable agricultural practices and must pass stringent inspection in order to guarantee safe and sustainable delivery of organic beans for the production of your good cup of organic coffee.
Healthy Organic Coffee
Start the day with a hot cup of healthy organic coffee and you can receive a number of health benefits. Healthy organic coffee contains calcium. It contains antioxidants such as polyphenols which are also called condensed tannins and help prevent tooth decay in addition to their antioxidant activity. The antioxidant properties of a healthy cup of organic coffee include the ability to lessen age associated cellular damage, prevent new blood vessel formation in cancerous tissue, and inhibit the long term inflammation seen in atherosclerosis. Ongoing research points to uses of polyphenols as treatments for specific age related conditions. And all of this from a cup of healthy organic coffee!
Healthy organic coffee has been around for a long, long time. Unfortunately in the modern era the use of pesticides and herbicides has entered the picture in growing many crops, including otherwise healthy organic coffee. Although non-organic contaminants do not necessarily reduce the beneficial health effects of a healthy cup of organic coffee the non-organic contaminants cause problems of their own.
A study by the Australian Food Standards Authority revealed that as many as 133 contaminants may be in a cup of commercially available coffee. These contaminants include metals such as aluminum and zinc, pesticide residues, ochratoxin A, acrylamide, furan, and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons. Some polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons are found to cause cancer. Furans have been associated with skin disorders, liver problems, certain kinds of cancers, impairment to the reproductive, endocrine, and immune system, as well as effects on embryonic development.
There are several benefits to a cup of healthy organic coffee. For example, more organic coffee can lead to less diabetes! Drinking four or more cups of coffee a day has been shown to reduce the incidence of Type II diabetes. This is in addition to the enjoyment of pure, uncontaminated coffee. By returning to organic methods of coffee production the grower can reduce the level of contaminants or even totally exclude them from his product. By using sustainable practices the coffee grower interested in growing healthy organic coffee produces a product that is good for you and free of the kind of contaminants that can make you sick.
In a world full of contaminants it is reassuring to know that someone is producing a product like organic coffee with care and dedication. The sustainable agricultural practices that served well for centuries work well today to bring a cup of steaming organic coffee to your breakfast table. Knowing that someone cares is reassuring. Knowing that many possible contaminants are not in your cup of coffee is a relief. Knowing that your cup of pure healthy organic coffee contains things to make you healthier is a definite bonus. Whether it is the potential reduction in risk of getting diabetes, the reduction in inflammation associated with atherosclerosis, or the possibility of risk reduction in certain types of cancer all are extra added benefits to the taste and aroma of carefully and thoughtfully grown pure, healthy organic coffee. Tomorrow at breakfast think of the benefits and drink healthy organic coffee.
Click to see the Healthy Organic Coffee PowerPoint presentation on Slideshare.